Chapter 1: The Other Side Cover 1. The Next Day 2. Jill and Claire 3. Contradiction 4. On Chris and Suicide 5. Sounds in the Courtyard 6. Secret Conversation 7. Touchy Past 8. Come to Central 9. Standing Up to Bullies 10. On Finding Reid 11. What the Hell is Wrong With You? 12. At the Bridge 13. Jumper 14. Disappearance 15. Black Hole 16. Where Are We? 17. The Future? 18. I Don't Think We're in Kansas Anymore 19. Reid?! Transposition Engine???!!!
Chapter 2: Lost and Found Cover 1. A Favor 2. Not Very Photogenic 3. Kidnapped? 4. On Jennifer Keating 5. Clubbing Clothes 6. Damn Machine 7. Stop It! 8. This Wasteland 9. Going Straight Back Home 10. Won't You Let Us Stay? 11. Puppy Dog Eyes 12. Central Command 13. Jason and Parallel Universes 14. Explanation 15. On the Federation 16. Department of Historical and Cultural Preservation 17. At Reid's Apartment 18. In the Army 19. Cooperative Computer 20. Goverment Housing 21. Nag, Nag, Nag 22. Unexpected
Chapter 3: More Trouble Than She's Worth Cover 1. Meet Jennifer 2. About the Elite Forces 3. Reason to Pilot Droids 4. On Running Away from Home 5. On Reid Being a Loser 6. Arrival at the Hangar 7. Worried Engineer 8. Shiny Droids 9. Security Breach 10. Stepping on Jason 11. Firing on Jason 12. Droid Cannon Barrage 13. Charge 14. Slice 15. Jennifer on a Droid 16. No jumping 17. Horrible Liar 18. Exasperated Jason 19. Dorlan is Back 20. As Little Destruction as Possible? 21. Droid Missile Barrage 22. More Trouble 23. Another Droid 24. I Hate This 25. Dodging the Bullet 26. Leap of Faith 27. Through the Window 28. Failed Surprise Attack 29. Another Counterattack 30. Another Failed Counterattack 31. Not Good 32. Dorlan to the Rescue 33. End of the Robot 34. Detonation Array 35. Bad News 36. Image of the Past 37. You Won't Like Me When I'm Angry 38. Jason Returns 39. Reavers for Breakfast 40. About Ex-Commander Kennedy 41. Sounds Pretty Useless to Me 42. Tell me! Tell me! 43. Hot Members of the Counter-Force 44. Non-hot Members of the Counter-Force 45. More Reid Angst 46. Jason's Real Car 47. Talking About Souls 48. Quiet Warehouse 49. We're Ready! 50. Sending Back to Universe 5 51. Activating the Transposition Engine 52. Three Bad Guys 53. It's a Trap!
Chapter 4: The Avatar of Rage Cover 1. You Can Fight? 2. Stupid Under Pressure 3. Reid Can't Dodge 4. Gamma This, Alpha That, blah blah blah 5. Quicker Methods of Dealing with the Situation 6. Where is the Gamma Beast? 7. Digging into the Truth 8. On the Serrata 100 9. Break an Arm 10. ZAP 11. Dark Image of the Past 12. Jason Gets Pumped 13. Hehe. BLEH! 14. Not Being Able to Keep Up With Jason 15. Voice Attack